Steam Survey Flags Declining Popularity of 1080p Gaming Monitors

  • John Williams
  • Jul-04-2023
  • 701
Steam Survey Flags Declining Popularity of 1080p Gaming Monitors

A recent survey conducted by Steam, a global leader in digital gaming distribution, implies a possible shift in gamers' display preferences. According to Steam's monthly hardware and software surveys, the usage of 1080p gaming monitors is decreasing, hinting towards a changing paradigm in the gaming world's display resolutions. 

The Steam survey explores the participation of gamers worldwide and gives insight into the prevalent hardware and software trends amongst its user base. Notably, the researchers noted a 2.23% decline in the use of 1080p screens between March and April 2021. Despite still being the standard for gaming and retaining a 65.2% share, the diminishing numbers infer a likelihood of gamers trading them in for higher-quality screens.

Meanwhile, there is an apparent surge in the popularity of higher-resolution screens among gamers. Screens with 1440p resolution recorded a modest growth of 0.11%. Even though the increment is slight, it indicates an increased preference for better display quality by the users. Moreover, the usage of 4k monitors, though still relatively sparse at a 2.23% user share, also shows a steady upward trend.

The rise in popularity of high-performance GPUs could be the catalyst for this shift. Ample evidence suggests that many games can benefit significantly from the added power of these latest GPUs, allowing users to take advantage of the advanced functionality of higher-resolution screens. It suggests a possible nexus between the increasing demand for more powerful graphic cards and the decline of lower-resolution monitors. This theory gains substance because of the enormous demands and struggles to meet production for high-profile GPUs, such as the RTX 3080 and AMD Radeon RX 5900.

The gaming industry continues to evolve, steering away from 1080p monitors as newer technologies surface. The growing inclination towards high-resolution screens can be linked to the incredible graphic performance provided by modern GPUs, allowing gamers to enjoy an enhanced visual experience. While the 1080p monitors still dominate the market, the recent Steam survey marks a noteworthy shift in the gaming display landscape, which could potentially shape future gaming technology trends.

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