TikTok Updates Promote Ad Feature to Offer More Options to Brands

  • John Williams
  • Feb-10-2023
  • 1000
TikTok Updates Promote Ad Feature to Offer More Options to Brands

TikTok has continuously been one of the most popular social media platforms since its launch in 2016. It recently announced four new options for its quick Promote ad feature, which enables brands to essentially boost their posts via a simplified campaign creation process in-stream. 

This update is a great way for brands to reach their target audiences in a more effective and efficient manner. 

The Promote ad feature was first launched in April 2021, and it allowed brands to optimize their campaigns for three objectives: video views, profile visits, and website clicks. With the new update, there are now four new options available to brands. 

This includes the new ‘Followers’ objective, which will help brands acquire new followers. Additionally, there is now an ‘Engagement’ objective that will help brands maximize the reach and engagement of their campaigns. 

Furthermore, the Promote ad feature has also added two other objectives to help brands track the performance of their campaigns. 

These two objectives are ‘Video Views’ and ‘Profile Visits’. This allows brands to track the performance of their campaigns and make adjustments based on the data they receive. 

Overall, the new updates to the Promote ad feature are a great way for brands to effectively reach their target audiences in an efficient manner. With the new objectives added, brands have more options to choose from in order to optimize their campaigns. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this update! Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

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